photo by Jerry Bauer
Blog Index

Entries by Pamela Sargent (347)


A Short Story Reviewed

My 2010 short story "The True Darkness" is reviewed and discussed here at Misscliks and also includes a link to the text of the story.


Death at the Blue Elephant

A wonderful new collection of fantasy stories by Australian writer Janeen Webb, Death at the Blue Elephant, is just out from Ticonderoga Press, and I was delighted to be asked to write the introduction to this book. As I wrote: "There are layers in these stories that compel one to reread them and yet they also remain accessible to any reader who enjoys a well-told tale. They are so enticing, in fact, that I had to restrain myself from sitting down and reading the entire collection at one sitting."  Anyone looking for elegant and absorbing fiction will welcome these stories and can order the book here.


My E-Books at Open Road 

A page for my e-books is now up at Open Road, here. A photo should be up eventually, along with more of my books, all of which will be available in a variety of e-formats.

UPDATE: And a photo is up.


Earthseed News

I'm pleased to report that Paramount Pictures has "exercised its option" on my novel Earthseed and has paid the purchase price for the book. Hope to have more news in time!


U.S. Edition of The Time Traveler's Almanac

My story "If Ever I Should Leave You" is reprinted in The Time Traveler's Almanac, available in the U.K. and now out from Tor in the U.S. You can watch a trailer for it here.