photo by Jerry Bauer
Blog Index

Entries by Pamela Sargent (347)


Two Upcoming Appearances

I will be at Albacon 2012 on October 18-21 in Albany, New York and at the YALSA Young Adult Literature Symposium on November 2-4 in St. Louis, Missouri.


Remembering Shulamith Firestone

Shulamith Firestone was ahead of her time in 1970, when she published The Dialectic of Sex, and as we're forced to fight political battles in the U.S. over issues that should have been settled long ago (I mean, contraception? Give me a break!), she seems even more revolutionary. The New York Times has an obituary of her here (marred as other Times obituaries are by the obit writer's apparent need to include a small swipe at the departed), and George Dvorsky discusses her influence on feminist sf at, while Julie Bindel's remembrance in the Guardian reminds us of both Firestone's radicalism and her increasing and ultimately tragic isolation.


Hugo Awards 2012

Not the winners--you can find out about them here--but how the ceremony turned into a real-life sf story.


Man on the Moon

Neil Armstrong, a true hero, a courageous man, and one who never went out of his way to exploit his fame, is gone.

UPDATE (September 4, 2012): What Neil Armstrong and the rest of the Apollo 11 astronauts did for life insurance.


Listen Up

The Blackstone Audio book of Earthseed has received very good reviews--here and here--both of which praise the skill of the voice actor, Amy Rubinate. I was very fortunate to get her to narrate Farseed and Seed Seeker as well, and her recording of Earthseed won an Earphones Award from AudioFile Magazine.