photo by Jerry Bauer
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Apologies to Pam and her readers

Webmaster Glen here with a little note of apologies to all who may have tried to visit this site recently and not been able to or received a notice about this being an attack site. All of the web pages in my server were compromised at the end of May, likely due to a backdoor ftp hack. Basically, an unscrupulous web site had added a small amount of code on every *.html page that would provide them additional links, thus raising their site in Google's search ranks. Google, therefore, identified all of my sites, including this one which I host and maintain for Pam, as an "attack site."

After a thorough clean and rinse (including locking down ftp a bit more thoroughly), everything should have been returned to normal around here, but do let me know (either by comments here or to engelcox at gmail) if you see any broken links or missing pictures.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Webmaster

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