photo by Jerry Bauer
Blog Index

Another Treat for Cat People

My version of the "Puss in Boots" tale, "Puss in D.C.," is now up at StarShipSofa, narrated by Nicholas Camm and introduced by Tony C. Smith and retired Analog editor and sf writer Stanley Schmidt. You can listen to it here.


Attention, Cat People

If you are a cat fan, enjoy stories about cats, and have an e-reader, the Wildside Press Cat Megapack of 25 cat tales, including my own "Out of Place," is for you.

UPDATE: Also available are two anthologies edited by Jack Dann and Gardner Dozois that feature cats, Magicats (with "Out of Place") and Magicats II (with my story "The Mountain Cage").


Fiction and Poetry from Femspec

 I've written the introduction to Feminist Voices, a new anthology of fiction edited by Batya Weinbaum, just out from Aqueduct Press. The anthology reprints fiction and poetry published in Femspec over the past ten years and is available in both paper and electronic editions.


A Review of Dream of Venus/Decimated

A nice review by Don Sakers of Dream of Venus and Decimated is out in the September 2013 issue of Analog.


A New Essay

Michael Knost, Bram Stoker Award-winning writer and genuinely nice guy (he chauffeured George Zebrowski and me around the University of Kansas during the 2006 Campbell Conference and made us feel as though we were doing him a favor) has edited a new anthology, Writers Workshop of Science Fiction and Fantasy, which includes essays and interviews with some of sf's best-known writers and editors. This isn't just a book for aspiring writers; even oldtimers can learn a few things from the contributors. George's contribution is "Middles," and mine is "Talking Too Much, or Not Enough: Dialogue in Science Fiction and Fantasy." Writers Workshop is out in paper and electronic editions and available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Powell's, and independent bookstores.