photo by Jerry Bauer
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Entries by Pamela Sargent (347)


Shortlisted for Sidewise Award

The judges
for the Sidewise Awards for Alternate History are pleased to announce
the finalists for the 1998 Sidewise Awards. The awards will be
presented at Aussiecon, the 57th World Science Fiction Convention,
held from September 2 - September 6. For more information, please
contact Steven Silver ( or see our website

LONG FORM: (60,000 words or longer or complete series)

  • Greg Bear, Dinosaur Summer, Warner 1998; Voyager 1998
  • Stephen Fry, Making History, Hutchinson 1996; Random House 1998
  • Pamela Sargent, Climb the Wind, HarperPrism 1998

SHORT FORM: (shorter than 60,000 words)

  • Stephen Baxter & Arthur C. Clarke, "The Wire Continuum," Playboy, 1/98
  • Ian R. MacLeod, "The Summer Isles," Asimov's 10-11/98
  • Robert Silverberg, "Waiting for the End," Asimov's 10-11/98
  • Howard Waldrop, "US," Event Horizon 10/14/98


"Hillary Orbits Venus" in Amazing

"Hillary Orbits Venus," an alternative
present, is a feature story in the Spring 1999 issue of HREF="">Amazing Stories,
available at your newstand now. While in high school, Hillary
Rodham wrote to NASA to ask how to prepare for a career as an
astronaut. The answer she received was disappointing: NASA wasn't
interested in accepting females for astronaut training. Sargent's
story explores what might have been-and what might be today--if
Hillary had received a different answer.


A Second Star Trek Novel

Pamela Sargent and George Zebrowski have collaborated on a second original
Star Trek novel, Across
the Universe


New Tale in Amazing Stories

A new story by Pamela Sargent, "Common Mind,"

will appear in issue number 600 of Amazing
. Amazing Stories #600 is a "centennial"
issue, and a very special publication. The magazine is also using
reprints from the first five "centennial" issues (100,
200, etc.), with the Sargent story as the one representative
of issue 600 (i.e., the present state of the art in SF).

Issue 600 will be available in stores by late December, and
will be a Special Edition that carries no date, either a month
designation or a seasonal designation. The other fiction authors
in the issue are Bernard Brown (issue #100 reprint), Frances
M. Deegan (#200), Paul Fairman (#300), Vance Simonds (#400),
James Patrick Kelly (#500), and Harlan Ellison, who offers an
homage to the pulp action-adventure brand of SF with his novelette
"The Toad Prince, or Sex Queen of the Martian Pleasure-Domes."

That issue will also include an "Observatory" essay
by Robert Silverberg and a column on movies by George Zebrowski.


Pam working on Star Trek novel

A Fury
, a Star Trek: The Next Generation® novel, by Pamela
Sargent and George Zebrowski, will be out officially in November
1996 (which means it'll probably be on the stands in October).
Sargent and Zebrowski are now writing a "classic" Trek
novel (with Kirk, Spock, and the old crew), tentatively titled
Stars Close Enough to Touch. She is also finishing a book
with the artist Ron Miller, entitled Firebrands: The Heroines
of Science Fiction