photo by Jerry Bauer
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Entries by Pamela Sargent (347)


Pam and George's Star Trek novel now available!

Fury Scorned
, a Star Trek: The Next Generation® novel
by Pamela Sargent in collaboration with George Zebrowski, is now
for sale

in better bookstores everywhere.


Appearance in Schnectady

Pam will be at Albacon in Schnectady,
October 17-19.


Pam's Cat Stories

After months of waiting, Spencer is now revealed! See Pam's cat and
read a bit about him, and his Italian cousins, in "Spencer" and "The Cats of Rome"


New project as co-editor

See the press release below for some news about a new project on which
Pamela Sargent is co-editor.

Also, the "Books for Sale" page has been modified to link to the Basement
Full of Books
page, where Pam can be found among a host of
writers who have their own books for sale.


February, 1998

Pamela Sargent, along with Jack Dann and George Zebrowski, is the
editor of a new series, the White Wolf Rediscovery Trios, which is
reprinting works of science fiction worthy of rediscovery in
definitive trade paperback editions. Two volumes in this series are
now available.

Volume 1, Three in Time: Classic Novels of Time Travel,
includes the following novels:

  • The Winds of Time by Chad Oliver, with an introduction
    by George Zebrowski

  • The Year of the Quiet Sun by Wilson Tucker, with an
    introduction by Pamela Sargent

  • There Will Be Time by Poul Anderson, with an
    introduction by Jack Dann

Volume 2, Three in Space: Classic Novels of Space Travel,
includes the following novels:

  • The Voyage of the Space Beagle by A.E. van Vogt, with
    an introduction by George Zebrowski

  • Galaxies by Barry N. Malzberg, with an introduction by
    Jack Dann, an afterword by Marta Randall, and an epilogue by Barry
    N. Malzberg

  • The Enemy Stars by Poul Anderson, with an introduction
    by Pamela Sargent

Each volume of some 600 pages on acid-free paper is $14.99--a
bargain! Future volumes on other great science fiction themes are
planned. For more information, or to order books, go to:


Work proceeds on new novel

is currently writing Climb the Wind: A Novel of Another America.
During her outline and draft, this novel was called American
. More information about this book as the publication
date draws nearer.